Community Workshop for the General Plan / Taller comunitario para el plan general

Register here: Agenda Flyer / Volantes Presentation Video Recording (YouTube) The City of Los Banos held a public workshop for the General Plan on April 19, 2021. The general plan is a long-term document that guides the use of land, transportation, conservation, and development across the city. We will show maps and information about...

City Council Meeting

Virtual (Zoom)

The City Council of Los Banos will be discussing the General Plan Update at this meeting. City staff and PlaceWorks will be providing a presentation followed by discussion and comments.

EIR Scoping Meeting

Virtual (Zoom)

A Scoping Meeting to accept oral comments regarding the environmental issues to be addressed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be held before the Los Banos Planning Commission on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 6:00 pm. The City Hall Council Chambers remain closed to the public. In accordance with Assembly Bill 361, all members...

EIR Public Meeting

Virtual (Zoom)

The City will hold a virtual public meeting to solicit public comment on the contents of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) over Zoom. The public can participate in the meeting and provide comment virtually using the Zoom information options on the NOA available for download here.